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Innovative Notepads Helping Students Study

A James Cook University student has developed an innovative learning support tool designed to help students in her cohort study smarter and more effectively. 

Fourth year JCU Medical Student, Kelsey Popham, first started Flourish Notepads after she was struggling to make her study more concise, efficient and motivating. 

“As my study load was getting busier and busier I wanted to find a study resource that made study more efficient,” explains Kelsey. 

“After doing some research in-store and online I couldn’t find anything that matched the ideas I had in mind so I decided to create my own.

“The main aim of the notepads is to assist students studying any form of health degree, such as medicine, vet, nursing, and pharmacy.”

Kelsey, who designs the notepads herself and gets them printed by an Australian printing company, first began selling her product in June of this year to various students in her cohort before branching out to the wider public in September via social media.

“My first notepad design was Disease Summaries and since then I have created a Pharmacology notepad,” says Kelsey. 

“When I study I like to be efficient and move through topics quickly, otherwise I find myself getting distracted or unmotivated. Therefore, a personal aim for the notepads was to maintain motivation and focus for greater periods of time, and thankfully it has proven to work.” 

The notepads have been so successful that Kelsey has since made it a commercial side hustle and is not only selling her product locally but also around Australia. She has recently branched out to include weekly and daily planners, which has  opened up new markets and seen her customer base expand. 

“I have shipped notepads to nearly all states and have had university pages share my Instagram, as well as my customers,” she continues. 

“When starting Flourish Notepads my key demographic was uni students, and they still are the main focus, however since creating daily and weekly planners my demographic is everyone.

“I always knew social media had an enormous impact on small businesses but I did not understand its full effect until starting Flourish Notepads.”

While the notepads currently have a medical focus, over the coming months Kelsey is hoping to expand to create additional notepads that are tailored towards other areas of study. Kelsey says the support has been overwhelming and she is looking forward to growing the business in 2022. 

“I have been overwhelmed by the support I have received from all over Australia,” she adds.

“I hope that one day I can help all students in all degrees but I hope to do so while balancing the demands of my own degree.

“But keep your eyes peeled, I hope 2022 holds great things.”

By Georgie Desailly.

Picture of Georgie Desailly

Georgie Desailly

Georgie is BDmag’s resident writer who is passionate about entrepreneurship, sustainability and regional affairs. She spent time studying in New York City where she was trained by some of the world's leading journalists at The School of the New York Times.
Picture of Georgie Desailly

Georgie Desailly

Georgie is BDmag’s resident writer who is passionate about entrepreneurship, sustainability and regional affairs. She spent time studying in New York City where she was trained by some of the world's leading journalists at The School of the New York Times.