Q-SEED: harnessing local and social procurement and inclusive employment.
Developing a place-based program to create economic opportunities for Townsville.
Q-SEED is an opportunity to bring a place-based initiative to regional Queensland and change the way communities buy and employ locally.
In September we met for Workshop 1 to understand the current eco system and heard from the 50+ attendees what was working well and what a collaborative approach could look like.
Workshop 2 brings stakeholders back together to build on that initial phase of engagement. We will engage with participants and co-create the Townsville Q-SEED Regional Action Plan together, where we will agree on actions and identify the priorities that were raised during the initial phases of engagement.
Q-SEED works by connecting and harnessing the power of social procurement and local supply chains to generate greater opportunities for people experiencing barriers to employment, such as Indigenous youth or young people otherwise caught up in a cycle of socio-economic disadvantage and crime.
This invite is open to everyone who came to the first workshop AND those who were unable to attend, so your views can be heard and built into the Townsville Q-SEED Regional Action Plan.
Click here for more information and registration.