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5 Minutes With… Sally Ede

BDmag | 5 Minutes with... Sally Ede - Ede Events.

For over a decade, Sally Ede has been at the helm of Ede Events, a local family business well-known for high quality event products and design. She shares her triumphs and tribulations, a new charity venture for the LGBTQIA+ community, and some great business advice for supporting your team.

Tell us about yourself and your business.

5 Minutes with Sally Ede - wedding event set up

Ede Events is the premier event hire business in North Queensland, specialising in designing and building exceptional music festivals, tradeshows, major events, weddings, corporate brand activations, and smaller events. The business was originally founded in 1966 by my grandfather under the name “Doug Ede’s Canvas,” but my father and uncle transitioned the business to marquee rentals in the 1980s, and I have been managing it for over a decade.

In that time, we have rebranded, moved to new premises, and updated our inventory to meet the growing demand for high-end products and design in Townsville and North Queensland.

At Ede Events, we pride ourselves on blending innovative design with exceptional service to create unforgettable events for our clients.

What has been the most challenging aspect of being a business owner?

The pandemic would have to be up there. In the early weeks having to let go of really talented staff was tough. Then navigating the constantly changing rulesets and the uncertainty for my clients. The pandemic forced us to adapt quickly and find creative ways to keep the business afloat while keeping my staff and customers safe. It was particularly challenging to provide support and stability to my team during this time of upheaval.

However, despite the challenges, I have learned the importance of resilience, flexibility, and adaptability in navigating the uncertainties of the pandemic and all of these lessons we have applied in the business moving forward.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I am involved in a new not-for-profit called Queer Candy. Queer Candy is an LGBTQIA+ event aiming to provide a platform for local queer talent to demonstrate & build upon their performance art whilst bringing national headline LGBTQIA+ artists to Townsville in a music festival style program.

We had our first event in February and it was a knock out success. After supporting many community events in Townsville via Ede Events over years, I am really proud to be creating something for my own queer community.

5 Minutes with Sally Ede - Queer Candy
Sally (centre) on stage at Queer Candy, February 2023

What is the best piece of career or business advice you ever received?

Always invest in people. It’s essential to provide them with the necessary training, resources, and support to help them grow and develop their skills.

Additionally, creating a positive work environment and showing appreciation for their hard work can go a long way in retaining talented employees. By prioritising my staff, I have seen an increase in productivity, higher job satisfaction, and a decrease in turnover rates. Ultimately, investing in my employees has not only benefited them but has also been crucial to the success of the business. I couldn’t do this without them.

Going forward, what is next on the cards for your business?

As a small business owner, I’m always looking for ways to expand and grow Ede Events. One of the key areas we’re focusing on is the expansion of our product lines.

We’re exploring new product categories that align with our existing offerings and appeal to our different markets. We’re also looking at ways to improve our existing services, incorporating new methods of procurement and transport that will give us a competitive edge.

Ultimately, our goal is to continue to provide high-quality products and excellent customer service while growing our business in a sustainable and profitable way.

Follow Ede Events on their socials, or visit their website for more information.

5 Minutes with Sally Ede - corporate event for NQ Eye Specialists
Corporate event design by Ede Events

Main image – Sally Ede.

Images Credits – Photos supplied by Ede Events.

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