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How to Communicate with Work Colleagues from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds

Wendy De Munari of Work Ready NQ shares her top tips on communicating effectively with colleagues from culturally diverse backgrounds. | BDmag guest article October-December 2023

“We have no hope of solving our problems without harnessing the diversity, the energy, and the creativity of all our people.” – Roger Wilkins, American civil rights champion.

Roger Wilkins’ quote underscores the immense value of diversity in solving complex problems and driving progress. By harnessing the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that colleagues from different cultural backgrounds bring, organisations can tap into a rich source of creativity and innovation. Engaging the diverse energy of all team members leads to more open, inclusive, and productive interactions by promoting empathy, reducing misunderstandings, and valuing everyone’s voice.

Effective communication with co-workers from different cultural backgrounds is critical for fostering and maintaining a positive and productive work environment.

Here are five tips to help you successfully negotiate cross-cultural communication:


Take the time to learn about your colleagues’ cultural norms, customs, traditions, communication, and conflict-resolution styles. Recognise that people from different cultures may have different ways of expressing themselves, showing respect, and resolving disagreements. Cultural awareness will help you avoid misunderstandings and show respect for their points of view.


Approach encounters with an open mind, a sense of curiosity, and an eagerness to learn from others. Respect others’ opinions and practices that differ from your own. Instead of making assumptions based on stereotypes, focus on knowing each person’s unique opinions and experiences.


When speaking across cultures, active listening is essential. Take note of not only the words, but also of the tone, body language, and other non-verbal indicators. Empathy can help you grasp the emotions and points of view behind your colleagues’ comments. You establish a supportive environment for good communication by displaying real interest and understanding.


Try to use plain and straightforward language when dealing with co-workers from different linguistic backgrounds. Avoid using complex jargon, slang, expressions, or idioms that may be difficult to understand. Choose and articulate your words carefully and be prepared to restate or explain concepts to aid clarity


Don’t be scared to ask your co-workers for input on your communication approach. Seek feedback on what you can do to improve your relationships in order to better fit with their cultural norms and preferences. Be open to constructive criticism and receptive to learning and improving your own communication style.

Remember that enhanced cross-cultural communication is an ongoing learning process that involves patience, respect, tolerance, and understanding. Embracing diversity and embracing different points of view can lead to better collaboration, better problem-solving and decision-making, and a more harmonious and inclusive workplace.

To learn more about Wendy’s training and coaching services, visit, email or phone 0467 976 080.

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Picture of Wendy De Munari

Wendy De Munari

Wendy De Munari is the Director of Work Ready NQ, a professional skills training business in North Queensland. She specialises in workplace communication and interpersonal skills training and has worked in the public service, as a corporate trainer, and as a small business owner.
Picture of Wendy De Munari

Wendy De Munari

Wendy De Munari is the Director of Work Ready NQ, a professional skills training business in North Queensland. She specialises in workplace communication and interpersonal skills training and has worked in the public service, as a corporate trainer, and as a small business owner.