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Seizing the Advantage: Supporting Local Businesses to Collaborate for Major Projects

The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning – North Queensland Regional Office offer regular industry-focussed events and workshops. Townsville Industry Breakfast (Queensland Government: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning) linking to Seizing the Advantage: Supporting Local Businesses to Collaborate for Major Projects | DSDILGP | BDmag October to December 2023
North Queensland is home to a multitude of major projects spanning various industries, and many of these projects require sub-contractors to provide goods and services. Engaging early in the supply chain process can lead to success for local organisations, so it is important to stay informed about major project investments.


Businesses of any size can contribute as part of the supply chain to major projects. When business and industry prioritise local suppliers to deliver goods and services to complete a major project, they have a positive impact on the local economy and community. Local suppliers are more likely to understand the needs and challenges of the local market and offer greater flexibility and the ability to problem solve on the ground. Sourcing local can reduce transportation costs, environmental impact and promotes sustainability.


The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning – North Queensland Regional Office offer regular industry-focussed events and workshops to keep local businesses and industry informed about upcoming major projects and investments. These events are a great way to network, knowledge share and stay up to date with the latest industry trends. By attending these types of events, businesses can gain insights, connect with potential partners, and learn from industry experts.


When businesses engage early there are significant opportunities to contribute to major projects in North Queensland. They can position themselves for success by understanding the project landscape and aligning their capabilities with project requirements early.

  • Stay informed about major project investments.
  • Understand the requirements, compliance standards and procurement processes.
  • Engage early, to build knowledge and relationships with project proponents around your capabilities.

Connect with the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning – North Queensland Regional Office to learn more about the support services to assist local businesses of all sizes and industries to identify and plan for opportunities.

Phone: 07 4758 3406

Keep updated for future Industry Support Workshops - with QR Code linking to

Seizing the Advantage: Supporting Local Businesses to Collaborate for Major Projects | DSDILGP | BDmag October to December 2023
Townsville Industry Breakfast (Queensland Government: Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning) linking to

Seizing the Advantage: Supporting Local Businesses to Collaborate for Major Projects | DSDILGP | BDmag October to December 2023

Main image: The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning – North Queensland Regional Office offer regular industry-focussed events and workshops to keep local businesses and industry informed about upcoming major projects and investments.

Image credits: All images supplied.

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