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5 Minutes With… Jillian Joyce of PRIDE Human Performance

5 Minutes With Jillian Joyce of PRIDE Human Performance | BDmag January 2023

For Jillian Joyce, Owner and Founder of PRIDE Human Performance, the overarching goal for her and her team, is to continue making a positive impact in the region, whether by nurturing the next generation of North Queensland athletes or through inspiring narratives from her new podcast “Making It Happen”, which is set to launch this month.

Tell us about yourself and PRIDE Human Performance.

Straight out of uni I started in high-performance sports, moving into stakeholder engagement, and general management and before joining the Australian Army as a Public Affairs Officer.

I’m sometimes asked how this led to sports performance, well, that comes down to my core values of Leadership and Courage and the potential I saw in North Queensland and my sense of service to pay forward the opportunities and experiences I had gained over the years.

In 2018 PRIDE Human Performance was born. It’s not just a business; it’s a mission to help anyone wanting to be better tomorrow then they are today.

My dream team of professionals have helped over 900 athletes hit their peak potential. We work from small group classes, one-on-one strength and conditioning sessions, nutrition advice, mindset development and more.

Recently we also launched the North Queensland Netball Academy which is all about unleashing the untapped netball potential in North Queensland!

Jillian Joyce conducting a workshop as part of the NQ Netball Academy.
5 Minutes With Jillian Joyce of PRIDE Human Performance | BDmag January 2023

What has been the most challenging aspect of starting/owning PRIDE Human Performance?

One of the most significant hurdles has been steering PRIDE Human Performance through COVID-19. Adapting swiftly, we had to pivot like our lives depended on it (spoiler: they kinda did). Adapting on the fly, we made sure our athletes felt supported throughout. It was a wild ride, but here we are, stronger than ever.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I used to be in a Hip Hop Dance Group.

Before founding PRIDE Human Performance, I served as the General Manager of Netball Manuwatu in New Zealand.

In 2023, I was named ‘Emerging Business Woman of the Year’ at the TBWC Business Women’s Awards.

What is the best piece of career or business advice you have ever received?

“Lead from a place of trust.” This advice has been like a magic wand for my leadership and business. Instead of breathing down their necks, I aim to empower my team to shine. Leading from trust involves space for them to excel in their roles and fostering an environment where individuals can make decisions, take risks, and contribute their unique skills to the overall success.

5 Minutes With Jillian Joyce of PRIDE Human Performance | BDmag January 2023

Going forward, what is next on the cards for PRIDE Human Performance?

We’re launching the ‘Making it Happen’ podcast in January. It will be full of stories from North Queensland legends who are quite literally ‘Making it Happen’ in North Queensland.

The North Queensland Netball Academy will also be a focus as we grow and develop opportunities for Netball athletes in the region.

Please follow PRIDE Human Performance on Facebook and/or Instagram for updates, and head to our website for more information or enquiries.

5 Minutes With Jillian Joyce of PRIDE Human Performance | BDmag January 2023

Main image – Jillian Joyce, owner and founder of PRIDE Human Performance.

Images Credits – All images supplied.

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