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5 Minutes With… Thomas Willcox

5 Mintues With Thomas Willcox from Severan Skincare

After several years trialling available skincare products without seeing results, Thomas Willcox decided to formulate his own line of skincare designed specifically for men, launching Severan Skincare in January 2023.

Thomas Willcox from Severan Skincare

Tell us about yourself and your business.

I founded Severan Skincare, a line of men’s skincare and grooming products, after experiencing my own skin issues during my teens and early twenties. I had tried every product on supermarket shelves, but struggled to find something of quality, that delivered results and was marketed to men.

After two years of working with dermatologists, lab formulators and other industry experts, I launched the Severan Skincare brand with its first two products earlier this year to specifically target men’s skincare needs.

Through Severan, I am committed to creating quality skincare products that achieve long-term results, with the mission of destigmatising male grooming and encouraging men to take pride in self-care.

What has been the most challenging aspect of being a business owner?

The most challenging part of the business so far has been getting the Severan brand in front of our targeted consumer. Although we have received great feedback by way of repeat purchases and more than twenty, 5-star reviews, we are still yet to master marketing the brand.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

Although I would love to eventually work on Severan full-time, I am currently a high school teacher in Townsville. I always struggled with my education and was diagnosed with multiple learning disabilities. I was told I would never be able to read or write but yet, here I am, running a business, writing a segment for BDmag, and a full-time teacher. I love teaching because I can give back to students just like the teachers that supported me.

What is the best piece of career or business advice you ever received?

“Rest at the end not in the middle,” Kobe Bryant.

When I heard this, it really stuck with me. Severan Skincare is just getting warmed up and we have no intention of resting anytime soon. This quote acts as a constant reminder that there is always more to do.

Going forward, what is next on the cards for your business?

In these first months since launching Severan I wanted to make sure my ecommerce system was running like a well-oiled machine. It was important to me to nail the customer experience. Looking ahead, I want to expand into wholesaling, specifically branching into specialty stores.

I value transparency and consider my clients to be part of a community working toward the common goal of self-betterment. I want Severan to be known as an ‘Empire of Trust,’ as well as going to the Nth Degree in our product quality, customer experience and Severan as a company.

Follow Severan Skincare on Facebook or Instagram, or visit their website for more information.

Thomas Willcox from Severan Skincare | BDmag 5 Minutes With

Main image – Thomas Willcox.

Images Credits – Photos supplied by Thomas Willcox.

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