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5 Minutes With… Fiona Ramage

Fiona Ramage of Witch Way Australia. BDmag "5 Minutes With"

From an early age Fiona Ramage experienced a deep connection to the earth and a fascination with the odd and unusual, leading her to explore and practice Witchcraft since her teenage years. More recently she has turned her knowledge and passion into a business opportunity, starting Witch Way Australia alongside her daughter Kristan.

Tell us about yourself and your business.

I grew up in New Zealand, knowing from an early age that I was ‘different’ to my friends, collecting odd and unusual things and feeling a strong connection to the earth, however it wasn’t really until I was 16 when I my boyfriend’s mum, who was a Romani Gypsy, read my Tarot. She told me I had a special gift and gave me the cards along with pages of handwritten notes about how to use them. I’ve been a practicing eclectic solitary grey witch ever since, though for most of my life I practiced behind the scenes.

Fiona Ramage of Witch Way Australia

I have been maintaining a Facebook group, for a number of years, and after retiring from a high-stress job in 2019, I decided to work towards using my Witchcraft knowledge and skills to start a business along with my daughter, expecting a slow start and our share of setbacks, however, have received overwhelming support and have now been running a successful Townsville business, Witch Way Australia, for the past two years.

We have a large home shop displaying and selling crystals, herbs, metaphysical items, home-made candles, spell boxes, oddities and handcrafted gift wares. We run workshops for kids and adults, rituals, circles, mentoring and we offer services like home cleanses, banishments, and the like. Our property has a purpose-built garden where we hold events and is a beautiful rainforest space with lovely energy.

We also have a large online following, sharing our knowledge via live social media crosses, and posting our products worldwide.

What has been the most challenging aspect of being a business owner?

The most challenging aspect is currently the lack of space for our stock, and we are working towards a bricks and mortar extension.

Fiona Ramage's daughter, Kristan, and grandson Oliver, are also a part of Witch Way Australia.
Fiona’s grandson, Oliver, and daughter, Kristan, are both involved in Witch Way Australia.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I was a motorcycle cop with the NZ Traffic Police during my early- to mid-twenties, before leaving the force due to emotional burnout and moving to Australia.

I have written and published a coffee table book called Witch Way and Beyond, detailing my journey through tutorials, photos, memes, spells and more and is the first of its kind published in Australia.

What is the best piece of career or business advice you ever received?

I don’t believe I have ever been given any business advice and have always learnt by mistakes. I do however work by the belief that if you’re not passionate about something then don’t do it.

Being a witch is who I am, and I have built a business around what I love doing. It is never a chore to go to work and every day is an exciting new day. My favourite saying is “never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life”. Take time to live and your input into your business will reflect that.

Going forward, what is next on the cards for your business?

Next is building the extension so we can dedicate a bigger area to our shop and have a dedicated workshop space. This also includes a blacksmithing area for my son, Jared, who has also recently joined the business.

Fiona’s son, Jared, has recently joined the business, offering “Bladesmithing” services

We also run several markets and events throughout the year, with our first Witch Way Market Day for 2023 scheduled for late May. Please visit our Facebook page for more details of upcoming events.

Main image – Fiona Ramage.

Images Credits – Dennis Soloria – DS Dragon Photography.

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